
♠️ This is an update to the OG Base Camp and is meant to be run following the completion of Base Camp 1.0. A triangle is only as tall as its base, and base camp is what we at Kodiak Barbell have created to build LARGE FOUNDATIONS to continually build UP from.

♠️ Base camp 2.0 is the strength-based progression to the popular volume-focused base camp 1.0. The updated Base Camp 2.0 still follows the core values of base camp, being an efficient, basic and simple RPE based workout plan that is no BS and will leave you humbled and jacked if followed corrected.

♠️ Base camp 2.0 is still a 9 week, 4 sessions per week, RPE based program run in 3 week waves wherein each week's RPE (intensity) increase's for the main movement. As each cycle culminates and progresses to the next, the volume drops and RPE waving restarts. What you are left with is a higher volume training plan that doesn't leave you feeling beat up week after week, but leaves you with progressive increases in strength, adaptation, and increased recovery. Base Camp 2.0 further develops that strength while utilizing accessory volume to continually build dense tissue simply and effectively.

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